Sunday, February 28, 2010

Upcoming PB & J Meetings

Hey gals, I'll be working on March's newsletter later today but since I'm online now I'm sending this out to give you a heads up about upcoming meetings so you can schedule early our March and April meetings on your calendars. Remember we meet the 2nd Tuesday of every month at Barnes & Noble in Midland, TX (7:00PM-when we're through).

March I will be bringing a "stand alone" photo printer as well as my laptop to demonstrate the difference in editing and printing with the printer and your memory card or stick AND editing and printing with the software that comes with the "stand alone" printer.

Scrapbooking is all about photography and I want to share an easy option to printing on the fly. Another thing to think about is printing at CROPS. Imagine taking your memory stick and your little printer to a CROP and then printing only the pictures you want to use in your project. We will have refreshments and door prizes so be sure and come. We always learn something new and have such a great time sharing our love. Oh yes, I make sure and always bring a CD with printable goodies that you can take home and print and make from cardstock. I'll be hunting for Mother's day goodies as well as some holiday goodies. I might even add a few children's projects you can print and have ready for Spring break. Hey you need a break after a week of "I'm bored". These cost $5.00 to cover CDs, labels and envelopes.

April Sandra Wenger from the Midland Genealogical Society will be our guest speaker! She will be presenting "Genealogy 101". I'm so excited! I know that we can all add just a little more family history in our scrapbooks. Imagine merging scrapbooking with good genealogical information. I am sure it will take our scrapbooks up from pretty to pretty and practical. What a delight for someone who is seeing our scrapbooks years from now. The pictures will jump from the pages with beauty and with history as well.

I'm also working on getting a published writer from the West Texas Writer's Group for an upcoming meeting. Journaling is a part of most scrapbooks and having someone who knows a little about writing may cause more of us to try our hands at journaling in our books.

May we have a member who is going to share some techniques with us. I won't mention her name in the event she has a change of schedule. It's a little early to plan for sure, but I know I am anticipating all the good things she will share!

Mark those calendars now! The second Tuesday at 7:00PM of every month is PB & J day.

See you there.


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