Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Rose by Any Other Name...

Would it smell as sweet? I've just got to settle on a name and I have come up with Permian Basin Jewels Paper Crafters. I may do some explaining as time progresses, but that's true with any new venture. Gotta get your word out to the world to let them know what you're doing.

It's funny to me, but PB & J has been in my mind for quite a while. Long before I had made a single scrapbook I knew that living in the Permian Basin the acronym PB & J could be great. I love words. I had a small understanding of the power of words. I'm cautious (most of the time) about what I speak. I occasionally let loose with something I really wish I hadn't said. Words are seeds and I don't want to plant "weeds" of negativity or darkness.

I have even come up with a name for our newsletter, "PB & J Nuggets and News". It sounds like little peanut butter and jelly nugget sized sandwiches. I think it will be a successful adventure and I look forward to each baby step we take on the way to a full blown club.

Hope to see you, yes I'm talking to you, at an upcoming meeting. If you live outside of the Permian Basin of West Texas, I hope you'll get on our mail list and enjoy our newsletter. I had one lady who is basically shut in her home with an ailing husband say, "It was like reading a letter from a long lost friend". I was so touched by her sentiment as I had only spent a couple hours with her in a Stampin Up workshop I was giving in the home of her neighbor.

I hope whatever you read here in this blog and in the monthly newsletters I write will touch and encourage you too.

Cerise Welter
Permian Basin Jewels Paper Crafters

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Meeting Notes

Well it's Tuesday morning after our November monthly meeting. We had a great turnout and I appreciate all of you who attended. Stephie Seibert was our guest speaker and you all made her feel quite welcome.

Stephie shared so much good information regarding buying and using digital cameras. Miss Seibert has a degree in communications and one in photography. She is an accomplished artist and even brought her portfolio with some of her work.

There were fourteen in attendance and that is twelve more than last month! Yeah.

Door prizes went to Heidi Hagelstein, Joyce McKelvey, Cheryl Giffin and Melinda Brady.

We discussed that our meeting location is moving in December (to Scrapbooks and Such in Odessa). Do make note of it when you get the December newsletter and make sure and make this fun meeting.

I will be sharing Christmas Card projects throughout the weeks ahead, so make sure and check your here and see some of them.

Thanks to all who attended. We'll get down to the business end of the club in January.

Till my next post.

Happy Autumn
